
Clark Heating and Cooling blog

Clark Heat and Cool is a Phoenix, Arizona based HVAC specialty service company and this blog is to help keep their client, and prospective clients, up to date with changes in the HVAC industry.

Product Review-Air Filters

air filtersThere are many different types of air filters available on the market.  In fact, air filters seem to be sold everywhere-even drug stores sell them!  How can you know if you are choosing the right type?  We would like to give a quick explanation of a few types of air filters, and let you know which one we prefer.

First of all, it is worth noting that air filters play an important role in how well your air conditioning system performs.  The primary job of an air filter is to filter the air (no surprise there!) that goes through the indoor coil on the A/C unit.  If there is not any filter in place at all, the indoor coil can get dirty which greatly reduces efficiency and even possibly causing premature component failure.

Pleated Air Filters

At Clark Heating & Cooling, our favorite type of air filters are the pleated types which can be picked up almost anywhere, from any home improvement store, corner market, or large grocery store.  We do not actually have a brand name favorite, as there are so many to choose from, and they all  do basically the same thing.  We have found that this is one instance where brand name does not matter!  These types of filters are sold in 3-packs or singles, and are very affordable.  The only important thing when it comes to air filters is to be sure you have the correct size.  Don't try to cut down a too-large filter or attempt to jam it into the return grill.  This will smash the filter and it won’t be able to do its job properly.  If you find you did accidentally purchase the wrong size, most home improvement stores will allow you to return it for the correct size.

Specialty Air Filters

We would like to point out a couple of “specialty” air filters which we have tested.  The first type is a fiberglass throwaway filter, but these are not made to last longer than 30 days under normal use.  In Phoenix, we don't qualify for “normal A/C use,” especially during the summer. So, we don't feel these types are worth the money, as they just don’t stand up to the almost-constant A/C use.  We have also found these types are not sufficient for homeowners who have multiple pets, as the filters can’t deal with the extra pet fur and hair.

The second type of filter we would like to mention is a Honeywell 3M Filtrete air filter.  It is a heavy-duty filter that works to remove airborne particles, so it is especially good for people who suffer from allergies.  We know allergies can be a huge problem in Phoenix, so it may be worth it to give this type of air filter a try.  As always, make sure you are changing the filter once a month during the summer, and two times during the winter season.

We hope this helps answer any  questions you may have about air filters!  At Clark Heating & Cooling, we do provide air filter changes, so if you would like us to come check it out for you, please contact us today

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