It's no secret the Phoenix area experiences severe weather in summer, and your HVAC unit might have to really labor to keep your home cool. One solution to make it easier on your unit is to conduct a whole-house performance evaluation and determine if reducting is warranted. This is where the home is evaluated for any airflow issues or "hot spots,"...
Clark Heating and Cooling blog
Clark Heat and Cool is a Phoenix, Arizona based HVAC specialty service company and this blog is to help keep their client, and prospective clients, up to date with changes in the HVAC industry.
Now that we're into the summer months, electric bills will be soaring! Here are a few tips to help you lower your energy bill this summer. 1. Wash Dishes by Hand If you don’t have an energy efficient dishwasher, you might be able to lower your energy bill washing your dishes by hand. Dish washing costs can be hard to figure out...
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